Tribals Adivasi people are Good Animal Husbandary


  Animal is the most important members of our human Supporting in today's daily life Survived Any place And people's are very passionate about Animals  Husbandary it's they're Different kind of types Animal care taker like,Cows, Buffalo,Bull,Goat,Dog, woolen etc.
        So tribals Adivasi people's are also very good Animal Husbandary care taker they're all different kind of types Animal like Bull 🐂,Cow 🐄, Goat🐐, Buffalo🦬 have always in Owend farm. it's Used different kind of types Animal working doing like Bull is riding Cultivation of farming soil and also Bull Lowerry vehicle operating And Cow and buffalo is carried about milk producing also others Goat and woolen has Husbandary professions business doing it's producing milk products and earning some money with this Animal Husbandary works And also Agricultural Organic fertilizer producing product insudes this all of Animal waste potty mixtures and Also Ayurvedic medicines producing in Cow's milk and urinary

      Oldest Adivasi People's tribals Areas of Animals Husbandary Care taker they're all have Animal is important Family members of entrie life also They're very imotions feelings about Cares of Animal.


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