"Archery" Weapon used of Adivasi people for protection !
people have how's secured it protects yourself Protection is the most sensitive thing for Any kind of types living with Human every body has Importance of protecting us against the different kind of types herrasment or violence and Defence of our life throughs suitable weapons operating And safe and Secured living together. So Adivasi people's are How is secured about in Wild forest Areas ourselves and what is weapons operating them. they're all Adivasi people are protected used weapons is"Archery"Arrows"for agonist the warriors and Dangerous Animals and Any other reasons of securities.its"Archery"is very easily operating weapons.Its made some Sticks and thick thread and Sharp iron font of Arrows throughs killed Anything else. Adivasi people are "Archery" Weapons made many Many years ago for purposes different first things is They're protect Against th...