Adimanavs found the first fired flameš„ As A Human sense of minds
Adivasi people are important part of the Entire world this Comunity Comes are first in the world According to history's about prediction.and we are learn and Study about education Sector in this Community Society in Geographic Subject.
We are all of them generation for monkeys Comunity established And developed in thousands year's ago.about basic obeservation we are all Human body parts organs similar to monekys Comunity According to history's prediction in Geographic Sector. we are human body improve And Change After later time and time later many few thousand years.than we are learn to what to do eat,what to do wears, what to do leaves, and many factors learn as a Adivasi people And Known. and called "Adimanavs" Adivasi" Comunity According to history's prediction in Geographic Subject.
In the human Senses of mind this Comunity found the first firedš„And this is the biggest Achievement of entries whole World human Senses of minds...
let's described the Sentence of this Achievement find the fire
They are think about and see Adimanavs in wild forest Areas Some trees are all together Scratched and moving each other and Some foaggs find it in them eyes.and think about why we are trying this Tasks.And they're trying this Tasks it's two stone Scratched few times and Suddenly there firedš„ highly inflammable Comes finding out.