Which is Adimanavs and Adivasi are God's

                Adimanavs and Adivasi are also
Religion it's very deeply believed in God's
Because it's always know about god's.
Both Adivasi and Adimanav Community society are feeling powers of god's in
Giving us one and only throughs them.
                     It's both Community society
People are "Nature's" God's and today
People society knowledge explaintion
about Adimanavs and Adivasi people's
Because every Comunity of different
Kind of types God's praying prayers but
It's God name are different. it's all about
miracles Facts in objects with the power
Any forms of type like Cloud are Comes
And unconditional weather. its believed
in God's behalf of this incidents.
          In short Adivasi and Adimanav Community society people's God's
are "Nature's"..

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