Adimanavs had believed in laws

           Every Comunity Society peoples are explaintion in Different kind of type laws in
Organisation create. but it's doesn't follow
                    So Adimanavs Comunity had
Believed are laws and following us is it
For people dangerous Activities Control
Purposes.Adimanav laws are very strict
Know about Geographical in
Doesn't follow them laws.they Are killed
him it's listening in Social studies books
That time they're all law's it's not part of
                        This laws was part of
Campaigns part of them and include its
Very simple laws for example campaign
Head's are explained Any kind of type things so everyone can follow them.
Adimanavs Comunity had all crucial
Judicial laws basics foundation Founder
And being part of human Community society there was build up generally
                          Important questions is
What was the makes laws at that time
So they're making process of law evryone
Meet together each other for making
laws and one day or two or weekend
They are Changing head chief of laws
And after change the chief of laws and
They're all also Change of laws from by
New head chief because this Comunity
Are very sincerely and honestly behaviour
Priority for don't have any
Man cheat and collapse laws. For reason
Boundaries are secured about law's by
Mistake who's are cheating from people
They're penalty normal but it's not hard.
                         So they're Adimanavs was
Believed in laws in basics foundation.
Construction Constution for people made.


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